Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Wall!!

So, we've been working on the 4th wall in the office since about September. I say "we" but it's not me, it's a buddy of mine who did the "C" paw and Bengal tiger in our garage. He did an outstanding job on both, so I thought he'd do a really good job on an idea I had for the office. Well, not surprisingly, he did an unbelievable job on this project, too.

Here it is....

The idea is part Crosley Field, part old-time scoreboard. The linescore part is chalkboard paint, so it's a functional scoreboard. Check it out...

Game 4 1976 World Series. Reds win Championship 4 games to 0.

Want to know what the linescore was for Game 4 of the 1990 World Series Sweep over Oakland?

Close up...

The original Crosley Field scoreboard didn't have these local favorites, but I wanted a modern slant on a classic, so we chose some older logos and I think they look awesome.

Some other pics...

It took a LOT more time than we thought, but in the end, I think it turned out even better than I could have possibly imagined.