Friday, July 24, 2009

2nd floor almost done

We're told the roof will be ready for shingles by Monday. Then the mayhem and chaos will be over while we pull everything back together inside.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Walls gone

As we thought yesterday, the hallway wall inside the front door is now gone.



And the front picture window is gone as well.

Here it is.

And the 2 x 4s that were still in the wall are now gone.



If the weather cooperates today, we should have the second floor framed and ready for a roof. Stay away rain!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Then and Now

Just a few short weeks ago

Yeah, we need to move the dumpster...but you get the point.

2nd floor forming

Master Bedroom

The upper window is where the master bathroom will be

First sign of problems. Some bricks need to be replaced. Hopefully it won't be a big deal.

With the rain expected today, the crew will be working inside. Hopefully we'll get another wall knocked down.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We have a roof

Things are progressing that fast...see for yourself

A little dark, but you can see a roof there.

Kitchen ceiling gone!

Again a little dark (we had other things to do), but you can see the garage ceiling completely gone. The front of the gable is still there. Well, it WAS there. Tomorrow's pics will show that it's gone as well.

Only the beam remains. And that might have to be moved as well depending on if they need it for additional support. That might get tricky.

Anyone know a good maid?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Best pics yet











And coming soon...


If the weather cooperates this week, we should have the entire second story and roof on as well. Still can't believe that one...but they do it for a living so I'm sure they're right.