Thursday, October 15, 2009


Nice surprise today to see more plumbing work done.

From yesterday

Garage door opener works!!

Kitchen this much closer to being done. Cardboard off the floor.

New poll question

For my own curiosity, and for the benefit of others who may blog for their own project, how many times would you say you have visited this site? Answer on the right side of the page, and if you have any comments/suggestions you can answer in this thread.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

More power!!

Lights everywhere!!

View from the outside

Above the kitchen sink

Above kitchen table


Downstairs bathroom

Upstairs landing

AWG's room

AWG's bathtub

AWG's vanity

Walk-in closet

Master shower

Master vanity

Wash tub that has to be decades old!

Say bye bye!!

Still to come: more painting, more lighting and electrical work, HVAC hookups, plumbing fixtures

Monday, October 12, 2009

Shower door and others


Our walk-in closet

Mirror up in master bath

AWG mirror and towel bar

Robe (towel) hooks

Master bath linen closet

Hall linen closet

TP holder. You wanted to know that, right?

Still to come this week: HVAC unit, toilets, faucets, shower connections, yet more paint, more electric hookup, and a bunch of other little things.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weekend Pics

We have power!!!

Counter top

Closer view

For can see we have power as well

AWG's bathroom

Master bath counter top put on Sunday!

Ugly brass fireplace doors are gone

Basement Saturday

Basement Sunday. Much better!

Coming this week: closet shelves, bathroom mirrors, more painting, plumbing, HVAC, electric work. We're getting closer!!